Project Design
After reviewing the results of the current solar dryer ovens in Xuchil last semester, we have established our scope to increase the drying volume of mesquite pods and incorporate a more efficient storage system to enhance the flour milling process for the community. We will be using a Polyhouse Solar Dryer (PSD) to increase the drying capacity and decrease the drying time. From much research and discussion with our Technical Adviser, David Powell and NGO Contact, Richard Hansen, this project idea of the PSD is most intriguing due to its great potential for increasing business production.
What is a Polyhouse Solar Dryer?
A Polyhouse Solar Dryer (PSD) is a housing structure designed to dry produce at greater temperatures than ambient temperatures using solar energy. In terms of structural design, it is similar to that of a greenhouse. The walls are made of polycarbonate panels to allow for direct transmission of sunlight. The PSD is environmentally friendly and also very economical in terms of material and building costs.
Prototyping and Researching
We will be researching the temperature, humidity, and overall performance levels for the PSD on top of the ETC engineering building. To increase the temperature, we plan to incorporate insulation sheets and/or apply black paint within the structure. For humidity control, we will be collecting data of the humidity levels at increasing temperatures and with the current prototype (as shown below) and then installing a solar powered ventilation fan to measure its effect on the humidity. We will be altering the green house design as needed to optimize the drying process. By using the PSD, we ultimately predict that we will decrease the drying temperature from the current open air sun drying technique and increasing the drying volume of the mesquite pods. We hope the PSD will serve as a more user-friendly structure for the community.
Polycarbonate Greenhouse (Home Depot)
In terms of optimizing the storage system during the milling process, we are still researching products, such as vacuum sealed bags and containers, to provide for the community. We have been in contact with a local business owner of a mesquite milling company to learn more about their techniques for storage during the flour milling process.
Through this ongoing research and prototype, we hope to develop confident results which can be used during our implementation of the project with our community in Xuchil. In the next coming weeks, we will begin building our PSD and begin testing the design.
Thanks again for all of your support. Please, feel free to email: pucmexico2019@gmail.com if you have any suggestions on how we could improve our design and/or any concerns with our research. We greatly appreciate it!