Hola! Bienvenidos, WELCOME TO OAXACA, MX!!!
We finally made it to Oaxaca City and Suchilquitongo is on the horizon! Navigating the Oaxacan airport was a breeze, as it was tiny and straight forward compared to the DFW airport and the people of Oaxaca are approachable, chill, and very friendly! From a day of exploration and introduction to the culture, we have all enjoyed the various colors of the city walls and murals. After a quick power nap in the afternoon, we explored the city, took some pictures, and even bumped into a couple of Austinites/Longhorns (it is a small world after all!). At dinner we were exposed to chapulines salsa (grasshopper), Huitlacoche (corn mushrooms, aka fungus), Quesillo (Oaxacan cheese), and Gazpacho (cold soup)! We can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds during our shopping spree for materials and are excited to meet community members in Xuchil!
Timeline Summary:
1pm: Arrived in Oaxaca! (fast and direct flight, Richard picked us up!)
2pm: Settle into Hotel Aitana
2:30pm: Met up with Sarahi, Ashlen, and Richard for lunch at
4pm: SIESTA!
5pmish: Explore la ciudad, arena on mountain top, Temple de Santo Domingo, Shops de Artesenia!
8pm: Dinner at La Popular (taste of Oaxacan dishes ~ including “corn mushrooms”, grasshopper type sauce, authentic tacos)
10pm: Walked around the city, looking for ice cream